If you’re looking for a new study for your Grace group, below you’ll find a selection of materials that are worth checking out. I have sample copies of most of these and in some instances extra copies available. If you are looking for something on a book of the Bible or topic you don’t see listed here, let me know and I’d love to help chase something down.


Testimony Worksheet: a guide to help group members prepare to share their story of salvation with the group (free pdf)

Swedish Method Worksheet: a set of seven questions that can be used for any passage of Scripture (free pdf)

Books of the Bible:

These are Bible studies on specific books of the Bible. Some are questions only. Others include a brief commentary on the text along with questions.

Knowing the Bible: Judges: a twelve lesson Bible study on the book of Judges (free online)

Knowing the Bible: Exodus: a twelve lesson Bible study on the book of Exodus (free online)

Knowing the Bible: 1 and 2 Samuel: a twelve lesson Bible study on the books of 1 and 2 Samuel (free online)

Psalm 119: an eight lesson study on Psalm 119 (free pdf)

Jonah: an eight lesson study on the book of Jonah (free pdf)

Habakkuk: a three lesson study on the book of Habakkuk (free pdf)

Knowing the Bible: Matthew: a twelve lesson Bible study on the book of Matthew (free online)

Knowing the Bible: Romans: a twelve lesson Bible study on the book of Romans (free online)

Knowing the Bible: 2 Corinthians: a twelve lesson Bible study on the book of 2 Corinthians (free online)

Galatians: Gospel Matters: a seven lesson Bible Study on the book of Galatians (available for purchase .online)

Titus: an eightlesson week Bible study on the book of Titus (free pdf)

James: a fourteen lesson study on the book of James (free pdf)

You can find lots more of the “Knowing the Bible” studies here under the Old Testament and New Testament tabs. Just select a book of the Bible and look for the course titled “Knowing the Bible”

The Good Book Company also has a large selection of study guides available for purchase here. Some are better written than others, but overall they’re solid resources.

Topical Small Group Studies:

These are topical studies designed for small groups. They often include a page or two of text and a set of questions. Some of them have an accompanying leader’s guide.

Gospel Community: a seven week Bible study on the theological and practical aspects of community (free pdf)

Life with Jesus: a twelve lesson study on the basics of following Jesus (available for purchase online)

The Gospel-Centered Life: a nine part study on how the gospel impacts all of life (available for purchase online)

Saturate Field Guide: an eight part study on following Jesus in daily life (available for purchase online). Find accompanying videos here (free).

When I Am Afraid: a seven part study on fear and anxiety (available for purchase online)

Caring for One Another: and eight part study on cultivating meaningful relationships in the church (available for purchase online)

Real Change: a six part study on becoming more like Jesus in everyday life (available for purchase online)

Growing One Another: a seven part study on discipleship in the church (available for purchase online)


These are readable and short (around 150 pages or less) books that are well suited for small groups. Some of them have discussion questions designed for discussion. Links are for reference (you may be able to find better prices elsewhere).

Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem

God’s Big Picture by Vaughn Roberts (you can also find a nine part video series here- each video is around 10 minutes)

Resolving Everyday Conflict by Ken Sands and Kevin Johnson

Who Am I? by Jerry Bridges

Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ by John Piper

Friendship with God by Mike McKinley

Habits of Grace by David Mathis

Side by Side by Ed Welch

How Does God Change Us? by Dane Ortlund

What Does it Mean to Fear the Lord? by Michael Reeves

Truth on Fire by Adam Ramsey

Enjoying God by Tim Chester

The Prodigal God by Tim Keller

Conscience by Andrew Naselli and J.D. Crowley

None Like Him by Jen Wilkin

When People are Big and God is Small by Ed Welch

Saturate by Jeff Vanderstelt

Pray Big by Allister Begg

Before You Open Your Bible by Matt Smethurst

The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness by Tim Keller

The Gospel for Real Life by Jerry Bridges

Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam Alberry

The Money Challenge by Art Rainer

Who is Jesus? by Greg Gilbert

The Enemy Within by Kris Lundgaard

Dig Deeper: Tools for Understanding God’s Word by Nigel Beynon and Andrew Sach

Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges

Video Studies and Courses:

Here is a list of sites that offer video studies and courses. Depending on the course they may be more or less suited to small group use. Some may also have accompanying workbooks (not listed).

TGC Courses from the Gospel Coalition (all free to use)

Matthias Media

Ligonier Ministries

Paul Tripp Ministries